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Updated: Nov 11, 2020

In relation to the latest Covid-19 updates and the new Government levels, Iwikau Ski Club will be operating under the following guidelines:

No Aucklanders will be accepted at the club lodges while under level 3, this will be revised when we move back to level 2.

All members who are outside of the Auckland region are still welcome at the lodges, however the lodges will be operating under level 2 conditions which will includes:

· Bunkrooms limits

· Cleaning and hygiene requirements

· Food, cooking and serving limitations

· Social distancing and group size limitations

· Contact tracing

· Feeling unwell - STAY AT HOME

Here is Iwikau Ski Club's Alert Level 2 Guidelines.

The Bruce Road access is now being managed by TPP Contracting on behalf of DOC who are the road controlling authority for the Bruce Road. If there is inclement weather forecast on any night they will be closing the road at 6:00 pm or earlier ( as they have done in the past – but only if travelling on the road poses a danger to the occupants of the vehicle and the people that are called upon to rescue them – Unfortunately this will be the lowest common denominator as we have had some shocking incidents in the last couple of years – Yes in a 4WD).

TPP will also be communicating the road status to NZTA at or before Ï‚pm each day so they can include this in their national reporting site. See NZTA Site

It is important that club members check the weather forecast ( watch for – High winds, cold temperatures, rain, snow, ice and a freezing level below 1600m) before you head to the mountain because once the road is closed there will be no access until it opens again the following morning at 7:00 am (provided the weather improves and the road can be cleared).

Watch the conditions for a couple of days before you go down, just because its fine at home at 6pm when you depart, doesn’t mean its fine at 1500m at Whakapapa at 11pm. Remember you are entering a high-altitude alpine environment that is not necessarily friendly to people or vehicles.

Platinum Parking – No booking is required – Drive on up (If the road is open) and park as per normal. Please follow all directions from RAL & TPP staff.

Carpark 1 - now becomes a day park only (as it was ) – it is too hard to manage as an overnight carpark as it’s too hard to clear with cars in the park and the slope along with ice had many cars sliding into each other even when the cars were unattended. (cars just slide on the snow/ice – typically with a bit of help from the wind) Any vehicles located within this location or any of the other day parks after hours are at risk of being removed & sanctioned.

Carpark Booking system - There is a limit of about 2000 car parks up the mountain (400 of these are allocated as overnight car parks – Note: Typical busy weekend overnight vehicle count has been a maximum of 350 cars).

Bookings must be made to guarantee that you can get up the mountain only if you intend to arrive after 4.30am and before 10am on Saturday and/or Sunday mornings and only during the peak period of 25/7/2020 to 27/9/2020.

If the carpark is fully booked and you don’t have a booking you will be turned away at Scoria flat.

- The carpark booking system allows for booking parks from Wednesday for you to book for Saturday & Sunday. If you expect to arrive at the mountain between 4.30am and 10am Saturday and/or Sunday 25/7/2020 to 27/9/2020 – you need to book a park using the online system to ensure you can get a carpark. If the carpark is fully booked – only people with carpark bookings will be allowed up the hill.

- Once the carparks are full it will be 1 car down - 1 car up at any time.

- Shuttles are available from National Park, however if the carparks are full, the mountain by deduction is also full.

- There is a system if you just want to go up drop people, boards, skis & gear off and come back down – there is a time window to complete this in – but you must return to Scoria Flat to check out.

- After 11am it will be a free for all again (as long as the car parks are not full) – so even if you did book a park you will need to join the line – Booking a park does not entitle you to a park if you arrive outside the 4:30am to 10am time window.

- If you decide not to go – please cancel your carpark bookings so that others can use the park – Be considerate of others – Please don’t book a bunch of spaces on both sides just in case. Booking of a car space precludes multiple bookings. Your registration can only be registered once per side of the mountain per day. eg: you can book Turoa Saturday, but you cannot book Turoa and Whakapapa Saturday with the same registration. You can book Turoa Saturday and Whakapapa Sunday in separate bookings.

- All carparks other than 2 & 3 will be chained from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am – this ensures that snow can be removed without damaging cars.

- Cars must be moved into the designated overnight parks at the end of the day and prior to 6:00 pm. Cars in the day parks after hours are at risk of being removed & sanctioned

- 400 overnight parks are located in car parks 2 & 3 and on the roadside above carpark 3, and around the loop road and around the loop road clubs. See the indicative parking map here.

- If you’re parking in an overnight car park – Please be considerate of others – park close together – Double park with friends – you don’t need 24/7 access – with any luck you’re up the hill skiing.

- Please ensure you don’t block the roadways – Park well clear of the roads and foot paths – also don’t park in the snow clearing push paths – leave room for the crews to push the snow off and away from the parking area otherwise the snow piles will just take up parking spaces. Be considerate of others including the road clearing team.

- If you intend to leave the mountain during the day (eg: To go to the hot pools or around to Turoa) and intend to return during the morning (4:30am to 10am) you should book a park to ensure you can get back up the hill.

- If you intend to arrive back after 6:00 pm - you should also check the weather forecast to ensure the road will be open, before you go.

Please note overnight carparking is not for the exclusive use of Club members, other people accessing the National Park / RAL facilities may park in the overnight car parking spaces during the day or the night.

Please note – You do not need to book for the overnight car parks for the Winter of 2020. (this may change in the future)

Please see the indicative parking map – this shows the overnight car parking spaces with approximate numbers.

See RAL web site for more details and the FAQ section on parking.

Thanks RMCA Committee 7 July 2020



Many thanks to the NZCT for their support of Iwikau Ski Club's recent remediation project


Iwikau Ski Club
PO Box 90 016


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